
Mac IPA: Main page

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on March 29, 2008 at 8:06:22 pm

Here's how to...

Generate IPA Characters On Your Mac

Office Applications                Browsers               Email Applications


Quick Tips and General Stuff to Know When Using a Mac:


The Character Palette

If you're going to be using IPA fonts for more than just viewing, you'll definitely want to make sure the Character Palette is enabled:


  1. From the Apple menu, go to System Preferences.
  2. Click on International.
  3. Click on Input Menu. 


  4. If the Character Palette box is not checked, check it now.
  5. If you want to be able to easily bring up the Character Palette from your menu bar, click the box labeled Show Input Menu in Menu Bar.  An icon should appear to the left of the date and time displaying the symbol for your default input language and method.  If you click on the icon, "Show Character Palette" will be one of the available choices.




For more information on this from the Apple site, see:  http://www.apple.com/pro/techniques/glyphspalette/


Another way to enter IPA characters on the Mac is to use IPA Palette created by Brian Hall. IPA Palette creates a "keyboard" on your screen so you can just click on the characters to enter them:



IPA Palette is free and you can get it from http://www.blugs.com/IPA/.


Office Applications:


Microsoft Office               OpenOffice






SafariSafari               FirefoxFirefox               Opera




Email Applications:


Mac OS X Mail               Thunderbird               Eudora (unsupported!)






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