Generating IPA Characters on Linux
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First things first
General stuff
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First things first
You won't be able to use IPA on your Linux computer until you have an IPA font installed, and most distros don't install one by default. So if you don't have an IPA font installed yet, go to Cool free IPA fonts to download and download one. If you need help installing it, go to How to install fonts on your computer.
General stuff to know about using IPA on Linux
Basic way: If you’re using a kernel later than 2.6.18 (e.g., Ubuntu Edgy or later) then hold down Ctrl-Shift, type u, then the hex number (column 3 in the RTF file that you can download from Download a table of IPA codes). For earlier kernels, hold down Ctrl-Shift and type the hex number. To see what kernel you have, open a terminal and type "uname -a." Works system-wide, in all applications.
Alternative method: Use the character map utility that is part of your desktop. “Character Map” is what it’s called in Gnome (Applications > Accessories > Character Map). In KDE it is "Kcharselect" and will be also be found on your applications menu. If you are using some other desktop poke around, but if you can't find one you can probably install the Gnome or KDE version. Once you select the character in your character map utility you can copy it to the clipboard and then paste it wherever you want it. Pasting usually works either by Ctrl-v or center-mouse-click, or both ways, depending on the application. Note a special feature of whichever character map utility you are using - when you select a character it will tell you the hex code for that character. If you're going to use the character a lot it might be faster just to make note of the code and then insert the character with the Basic way above.
Application method: Some applications (e.g., full-featured word processors), have an Insert Special Character feature. See further details under the applications below.
Custom keyboard method: Go to Mapping Your Keyboard to learn how to set up a custom keyboard for IPA on Linux.
Abiword word processor
Evolution Thunderbird Eudora
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