
Install Keyboards XP

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Installing a Custom Keyboard Created with MSKLC


Quick and dirty instructions

Requirements to run MSI:

\any folder\i386\keyboard.dll

   \anyfolder\keyboard MSI

Click on the MSI and keyboard self-installs. Once the Keyboard has been installed it must be added to the language bar. To do this go to Start > Crtl Panel > Regional and Language Options > Languages > Details > Add. You must then choose your keyboard from the list in the box labeled Keyboard Layout/IME Ok > Apply > Ok > Apply.


Pretty pictures instructions

A keyboard install package consists of an MSI file and a .dll file. This how-to will show the steps to install a keyboard named "IPA Unicode 5.0c (ver 1.0) MSKv2." This keyboard is free to download from the Summer Institute of Linguistics here.


Step one:

The .dll file must be within a folder named i386 which is located in the same folder as the MSI:



Click on the Windows Installer Package and the keyboard will self-install.  Once the keyboard has been installed it must be added to the language bar.


Step Two:

To add the keyboard to the language bar you must navigate to the control panel and click on the Regional and Language Options icon:



The Regional and Languages Options window has a tab named Details. Click on the tab and you should see this on your screen:



































Click on the Add button and you will need to choose your keyboard from the list in the Keyboard Layout/IME





















Your keyboard should appear in the Text Services and Input Languages window above. Click Apply and Ok until all of the windows you just opened are closed. You should now be able to switch back forth between your default keyboard and newly installed keyboards. 


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